Western Maine Board of
Federation Softball Umpires

We are the board that provides softball umpires for high schools and middle schools in Southern & Western Maine. 

From Kittery to Freeport to Bridgton to Fryeburg.

  Click for the Clinic Dates 2025

New umpires must attend at least 3 of the first 5 clinics. All umpires must attend the March 30 mandatory meeting.

Steps to be eligible for the 2025 season for returning members:

Directions to help with navigating DragonFly

To be tournament eligible to work post-season high school softball games, umpires must meet the following criteria;

• Must take the on-line NFHS exam and receive a score of 85 or higher.

Test is available at: https://max.dragonflyathletics.com/maxweb/max-cover/login

                Part 1 is open from - TBD

                Part 2 is open from - TBD

                To be tournament eligible, it does not matter which version you take

• Must have attended the NFHS rules interpretation session.  

• Must have attended three person mechanics presentation.  

• Must have umpired at least;